Points of interest

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Number of results: 659

Leqet e Hotit albania

Leqet e Hotit


Lekte e Hoti is a pass in the Shkodra region, at an altitude of 730 m, through which the Malësi e Madhe road passes from Shkodra to Vermosh. It connec...
Sorgente Pietre Cadute a Bojano molise

Sorgente Pietre Cadute a Bojano


The springs of the Pietrecadute group are constituted by the springs of Pietrecadute and Turno, which occupy the entire south-eastern foothills of the town of Bojano, from Pietrecadute to the Palazzo Ducale of Salita Pandone, along Via Biferno and Via Turno. These springs, to the east of Bojano, are the most important for the quantity of water of the internal spring system of Biferno; they flow from numerous springs among the limestones of the mountain and the impermeable marls of tamponade.
Parapendio e Deltaplano a Miranda molise

Parapendio e Deltaplano a Miranda


For those who wish to experience the thrill of flight, tandem paragliding is definitely the easiest and most enjoyable way. During the flight you will feel a pleasant sensation of freedom, you will let yourself be rocked while observing the surrounding territory from a new perspective.
Museo Provinciale Sannitico MIBAC Campobasso molise

Museo Provinciale Sannitico MIBAC Campobasso


The Museum was founded in 1881 and was housed, together with the Provincial Library, in the Palazzo della Prefettura. The material was first catalogued by the archaeologist Antonio Sogliano, who published the inventory in 1889. Since then, the Museum and the Library have experienced alternating fortunes and many changes of location until 1995, when the Museum was set up in the premises of the eighteenth-century Palazzo Mazzarotta, in the historic centre of Campobasso.
Pozze sul Vandra molise

Pozze sul Vandra


The river Vandra (in dialect La Vandura) is one of the longest rivers in the province of Isernia (about 30 km), it flows on mainly clayey and impermeable soils, so it has a torrential character. Starting from Villa San Michele, a small village, now abandoned, in the municipality of Vastogirardi, and then descending along the river bed, one is fascinated by the beauty of the landscape and the extraordinary clarity and transparency of the water.
MAACK Museo Kalenarte a Casacalenda molise

MAACK Museo Kalenarte a Casacalenda


MAACK, which stands for Museo all'Aperto d'Arte Contemporanea Kalenarte (Open-air Museum of Contemporary Art), was founded in 1992 by architect Massimo Palumbo with the aim of supporting the promotion and dissemination of contemporary art in the territory. The twenty-one permanent installations created to date are set up in streets, views, woods and squares. A few years ago, the Museum was joined by the Franco Libertucci Civic Gallery of Contemporary Art, whose collection currently consists of around 114 works, mostly paintings on canvas, sculptures and installations.
Morgia Quadra a Frosolone molise

Morgia Quadra a Frosolone


On the mountain of Frosolone, located between the Valley of Trigno and the Valley of Biferno, in Colle dell'Orso, there is the cliff of Morgia Quadra, so called for its characteristic square shape. In a mountain environment between 1200 and 1300 m.s.l.m., there is one of the most popular places in Molise in Italy for sport climbing. Its rocky walls of gray limestone, variously exposed to the sun in a very ventilated area, are perfect to climb all day long, especially in spring and autumn.
Falesie di Pescopennataro molise

Falesie di Pescopennataro


The imposing and spectacular rock walls that rise in the westernmost part of the historic center of Pescopennataro, located at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, are among the most popular in the center south, by fans of rock climbing. A unique scenario of its kind, an open-air gym between the houses of the historic center.
House of Nobel laureate Ivo Andric montenegro

House of Nobel laureate Ivo Andric


85340 Herceg Novi

The house, where Nobel laureate create a lot, was ceremoniously opened to visitors in March 2021. Ivo Andric, a famous Yugoslav writer, won the Nobel ...
Church of St. Anthony montenegro

Church of St. Anthony


85 320 Tivat

Saint Anthony of Padua, to whom the church is dedicated, became the patron and protector of the city of Tivat in 1734. The cult of St. Anthony is espe...
Pontificia Fonderia di Campane Marinelli e Museo Storico ad Agnone molise

Pontificia Fonderia di Campane Marinelli e Museo Storico ad Agnone


In Agnone, the Marinelli Museum is one of the few in the world that gathers a vast collection of bells from the year one thousand to our days, each with its shape, friezes, inscriptions, and particular sound. Written and iconographic material, drawings, sketches, reproductions, precious manuscripts and publications, documentation on the ancient art of bronze casting, complete the artistic, historical and cultural heritage of the museum.
Museo dei Misteri a Campobasso molise

Museo dei Misteri a Campobasso


The Misteri Museum, inaugurated on October 07, 2006, is an indispensable reality to give dignity to Paolo Saverio di Zinno's ingenuity and to the "Ingegni" he conceived and realized in the middle of the XVIII century, that on Corpus Domini day.
Museo della Memoria Contadina a Casalciprano molise

Museo della Memoria Contadina a Casalciprano


The Museum, born in 2004 and set up in the alleys of the suggestive ancient village of Casalciprano, represents a real journey through time to discover the tools of the rural tradition accompanied by contemporary sculptures and paintings. A part of the itinerary also develops inside restored houses used as exhibition rooms and this contributes to make the visit even more pleasant and welcoming.
Le tre torrette di Campochiaro molise

Le tre torrette di Campochiaro


In Samnite and Roman times, in Molise there was a dense network of fortifications, the perimeter walls could reach the length of several kilometers, located on the heights of the domain of the valleys and the ancient streets. The fortifications were made in polygonal work, with dry stone walls set with blocks of local stone not worked. The presence of towers incorporated in the walls, does not seem to be a characteristic of the Samnite fortifications, with the exception of Le Tre Torrette di Campochiaro, here in fact, along the walls there are the ruins of three towers.
Riserva Naturale Regionale Torrente Callora molise

Riserva Naturale Regionale Torrente Callora


The territory of the reserve includes the humid zone of the gorge of the Callora torrent with the gorges of the Fosso Fornello and Rio Torrone valleys, the zone of screes and cliffs; the zone of pastures and high parts of the gorge; the zone of reforestation where the castle rises. The overhanging walls present the typical vegetation of a gorge with the presence of sparse shrubs and bushes on the bare rock.
Campitello di Roccamandolfi molise

Campitello di Roccamandolfi


Campitello were plateaus that shepherds and farmers of the high Matese, before the fifties of the last century, managed to snatch from the wild nature and used them to sow wheat, plant potatoes and then use them as fodder and later as summer pastures. Campitello di Roccamandolfi, a large grassy plateau located at an altitude of 1230 meters, about 10 km from the village.
Abetina di Pescopennataro molise

Abetina di Pescopennataro


The Abetina di Pescopenntaro is a Site of Community Importance called "Abeti Soprani - Monte Campo - Monte Castelbarone - Sorgente del Verde". The area is included in the municipalities of Pescopennataro and Sant'Angelo del Pesco and has a total surface of 3033 hectares and the surface of the fir-wood in its pure state is about 1000 hectares. The average altitude of the area is between 1250 and 1300 meters.
Prato Gentile - Monte Campo Capracotta molise

Prato Gentile - Monte Campo Capracotta


Monte Campo with its 1746 m.s.l. is the highest point of the territory of Capracotta, from here you can enjoy an extraordinary panoramic view that sweeps from the valley of Verrino (just from this peak is born the river Verrino), the valley of the Sangro, in the distance the mountainous massif of the Maiella and to the south the mountain of Frosolone and the Matese. The mountain is surrounded by large forests of black pine and climbing to the summit there are vast beech and fir forests.
Castelpagano puglia



The historical and scenic beauty of Castelpagano is unparalleled. From its privileged position, it offers a unique view over Puglia, Molise and Campania.
Centro storico di Biccari puglia

Centro storico di Biccari


Biccari is a small village in the Monti Dauni, an example of history, traditions and nature mixed together to create a breathtaking landscape.

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