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Tragjas Castle

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Tragjasi is located 20 km south of the city of Vlora. It is located in the so-called Dukat Valley. It is located at the foot of the Lungara mountain, which borders it from the north-west to the south-east. In Tragjas, the well-known sources of Tragjas (Izvori) with centuries-old turnips originate. These sources, after gathering in one stream, create the Izvor river, which after a short path, about 3 km, flows into the Adriatic Sea. It was historically part of the locality of Dukat and later after the establishment of the town of Orikum it was part of the Orikum municipality together with the town of Orikum and three other villages, Dukat village, Dukat and Radhimë. With the new administrative division of 2015, it is part of the Vlorë municipality. Tragjasi has always been described as a beautiful village with a picturesque view.

 Tragjasi is about 4 km from the Adriatic Sea. Historically, it has been a village with a developed agricultural and especially livestock economy. this tradition continues even today, especially in the blektori and pemetari. A new direction of the economy seems to be tourism and because of the natural beauties and the small distance from the beaches of Orikum and Radhima. Near the village there is a castle with the name Castle of Gjon Boçari

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