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Eye Of Shegan

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Eye of Shegan: An Invigorating Stop by Shkodra Lake - Into Albania. Albania’s nature and fairytale landscape offer up a new favorite among the locals, the summer 2020 hit destination right by the shores of the Shkodra Lake. Located only a 40-minute drive from Shkodra, the Eye of Shegan has given this summer an entirely new feel!

Local legend has it that many years ago, a traveler on his boat arrived to the area very late at night, seeking shelter in the place now occupied by the three ponds. The latter were once the houses of three brothers. The first two brothers did not open their door to the stranger while the third, named Shegan, welcomed the guest in. This is why, according to legend, the specific spot where the third brother’s door was located is now the Eye of Shegan and his curse on his two brothers who turned their backs on their fellow men transformed their houses into mere ponds

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