The castle of Venafro rests on an ancient megalithic structure, on which the Lombard keep was built. In the second half of the tenth century Count Paldefredo built a quadrangular enclosure and at least two towers. In Norman times the troops of King Roger of Altavilla destroyed the castle and much of the village. In the Aragonese period became a fief of the Pandone family, the castle that still bears their name, was the subject of a major expansion. Count Francis enlarged the moat and built the battlements. Henry transformed the castle into a stately residence, making the lodge, the garden and embellished the interior with fine frescoes. Subsequently the feud passed to the viceroyal family of Lannoy, who made further structural and artistic changes, partly erasing the previous decorations. It then passed into the hands of the Peretti Savelli family and in the following century became a fief of the powerful Di Capua family. The castle was renovated at the end of the twentieth century and since December 18, 2012 has become the first National Museum of Molise.
49 I Luoghi della Storia - Castello Pandone Venafro
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