Back 43 I Luoghi della Storia - Castello di Vastogirardi

Castello di Vastogirardi

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Its typology brings to mind the castelli-recintos of the Abruzzo-Molise area, the closest example of which, not only geographically, is that of Pesche, where the strut is absent, as in our castle, unlike other examples of the same type. This castle was meant to appear as an authentic citadel in which the functions of government, both civil (the feudal lord's palace) and religious (the parish), are based, thus representing the center of the urban agglomeration.

Its typology brings to mind the castelli-recintos of the Abruzzo-Molise area, the closest example of which, not only geographically, is that of Pesche, where the strut is absent, as in our castle, unlike other examples of the same type. In both these cases the castle-recinct is placed not far from the built-up area so as to be easily reached by the population. The similarity stops here because while in Pesche and other localities the castle-fence, now often in the state of ruins, has an exclusively military character, in Vastogirardi it is a real inhabited nucleus. This castle was meant to appear as an authentic citadel in which the functions of government, both civil (the feudal lord's palace) and religious (the parish), are based, thus representing the center of the urban agglomeration. However, the castle is not only reduced to the building of worship and the baronial residence, but also includes several dwellings; numerous urban functions seem to thicken here, such as the church (which also fulfills the task of a burial place), the fortification, the gate, and the square. One can almost speak of an anticipation of the Lecorbusian "conforming dimension," that is, of an optimal urban typology, capable of ensuring the presence of indispensable facilities for the settled community. A dimension of the building organism that is related to the activities and functions placed in it and has no relation to the size of the rest of the urban agglomeration. Thus, the castle as a
defined object, an urbanistic piece enclosed as opposed to the built-up area below, which instead changes its shape in the various historical eras due to successive accretions. It is in short an accomplished urban part that does not interact with the rest. These peculiarities of the Castle of Vastogirardi, of village within a larger village, a kind of double village, make it a rather singular case in the local panorama in which we are accustomed to associate the castle with the image of a building, be it fortress, tower, etc.

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