Back 28 I Luoghi della Storia - RUDERI CASTELLO DURONIA

Ruderi Castello Duronia

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On the hill of San Tommaso, north of the village, remain ruins of the ancient castle. In ancient times the name of the village was Civitate veteris; in the XVIII century many archaeological discoveries were made attesting the presence, already in ancient times, of a big urban center. In the inhabited center they are evidenced the massive structures of the medieval Castle, with beside the Church of Saint Nicola, realized almost surely in the epoch in which the castle has been built. Also in the inhabited center it is found a Cross in stone whose dating could go back to the century XV, in analogy to that one of Civitanova del Sannio.

On the hill of San Tommaso, north of the village, remain ruins of the ancient castle.
In ancient times the name of the village was Civitate veteris; in the XVIII century many archaeological discoveries were made attesting the presence, already in ancient times, of a big urban center. In the inhabited center they are evidenced the massive structures of the medieval Castle, with beside the Church of Saint Nicola, realized almost surely in the epoch in which the castle has been built. Also in the inhabited center it is found a Cross in stone whose dating could go back to the century XV, in analogy to that one of Civitanova del Sannio. A consistent number of archaeological finds in the territory support the hypothesis that the locality was the scene of destruction during the Samnite wars (293 BC). To few kilometers from the inhabited center it is possible to visit the sannitica fortification.

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