The Angioina Tower was built during the reign of Giovanna I d'Angio' probably on a Norman preesitente plant. E'a circular plant, of strong mass, high 25 meters. The boundaries introduce to crown, in high, a series of beccatelli and battlements. It dominates on the valley of the S.Maria valley and the valley of the Fortore. We don't know the precise year in which such work was realized, but, since Giovanna I reigned from 1343 to 1382, the year of its edification is to make to go back around to 1369. This last one is the more sure date because, like it
comes found from a regal document, the Giovanna Queen I turning its
attention to our deserted zone and destroyed from the plunderings completed from the soldiers of Luigi of Hungary, it is thought that in order to protect it and to repopulate it, it has ordered that in our "Hamlet Collis Tortis" a tall and majestic tower surrounded from a massive castle (actual Common) to guard and to defense of the zone against the enemies was built.
27 I Luoghi della Storia - Torre Angioina Colletorto
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