The Botanical Garden of Capracotta belongs to a network of 76 structures, 31 are managed by the Universities and 45 by other entities, which are part of the Italian Botanical Society.
Established in 1963, realized by Paolo Pizzolongo on the idea of Valerio Giacomini, the Garden of the Apennine Flora of Capracotta is located at an altitude of 1525 m above sea level, it is among the highest in Italy.
In 2003 a Consortium was established between the University of Molise, the Region of Molise, the Province of Isernia, the Mountain Community of Upper Molise and the Municipality of Capracotta. The promotion and the management is assured by the S.T.A.T. Department of the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of the University of Molise based in Pesche (IS).
In the Garden are preserved and protected the plant species of the autochthonous flora of the central-southern Apennines. Thanks to the different characteristics of the ground, it hosts many natural habitats, from the marshy to the rupicolous, from the beech-wood to the shrub-wood.
It is also involved in several research projects and biodiversity conservation, such as the reconstruction of natural habitats and recovery of protected and endangered plants, seed conservation and propagation of natural and cultivated species at risk of extinction, conservation of regional floristic biodiversity, enhancement of local agro-food essences and promotes environmental education and nature tourism through educational tours, guided tours, events of scientific dissemination.