The Vallone del Rio Borrello, is located between Mount Patalecchia and the hill of Defenzuola. The short stretch of two kilometers has a considerable difference in height, from an altitude of 1200 to 650 meters above sea level. The waters descend abundantly through this fissure only in rainy periods and in spring, following the melting of snow, forming a series of waterfalls. after about a kilometer its waters flow into the Rio, a tributary of the Callora and the Hydrographic Basin of the Biferno River. The initial part of the valley has high walls, almost vertical, in which you can see the stratigraphy of the rocks as evidence of the passage of geological eras. Further downstream the walls are more compact and made smooth by the flow of water, here there are numerous bridles with dry stone, in order to reduce turbulence to protect the works further downstream. The place is rich in local fauna, here many birds of prey nest undisturbed. In the lower part of the valley the vegetation is mainly made up of brambles and shrubs such as rosemary, hawthorns, laburnums and trees such as willows and wild figs. Upstream the low vegetation becomes sparser with the exception of brooms and shrubs give way to trees, pine and hornbeam are present.
2 I Luoghi Estremi - Vallone Rio Borrello - Castelpetroso
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