Back Katiu Bridge

Katiu Bridge

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Katiu bridge (In Albanian: Ura e Benjes, Ura e Kadiut) is a 19th century bridge, located 8 km from Permet. Built by the famous despotic leader Ali Pashe Tepelena, this typical Ottoman bridge is on the small and charming side – one large arch extending gracefully over the river. Brilliant photographs of the river and the surrounding countryside can be taken walking to the middle of the bridge. This bridge is also known as The judge's bridge (Ura e Katiut). The Turkish word "Katiut" means "judge" and there is a story that while Albania was under the Turkish occupation, a judge fell of the bridge and was killed. The earliest archaeological traces recorded in the area, consisting mainly of flint tools and pottery fragments, seems to belong to the Neolithic (7000-3000 BC) and Eneolithic (3000-2100 BC) periods, and are recorded in the cave settlements, near by the village of Benje, at the rocky canyons of Lengarica, an affluent of Vjosa River, which is about 2 km to its southeast direction. The Bronze Age (2100-1100 BC) is presented by the fortification of Dedejan, at the foot of Nemerçka Mountain range, while other find spots from the same period are discovered during agriculture works in the fields of Piskova village.

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