Riserva Naturale Regionale Torrente Callora

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The territory of the reserve includes the humid zone of the gorge of the Callora torrent with the gorges of the Fosso Fornello and Rio Torrone valleys, the zone of screes and cliffs; the zone of pastures and high parts of the gorge; the zone of reforestation where the castle rises. The overhanging walls present the typical vegetation of a gorge with the presence of sparse shrubs and bushes on the bare rock.

The Nature Reserve "Torrente Callora", established in 2003, falls entirely in the countryside of the municipality of Roccamandolfi, it extends for about 50 hectares, from 650 to 1.050 m.s.l.m.. The territory of the reserve includes the humid zone of the gorge of the Callora torrent with the gorges of the Fosso Fornello and Rio Torrone valleys, the zone of screes and cliffs; the zone of pastures and high parts of the gorge; the zone of reforestation where the castle rises.
The overhanging walls present the typical vegetation of a gorge with the presence of sparse shrubs and bushes on the bare rock.
The north-west side is characterized by the presence of many species of trees: hornbeam, hazelnut, alder, maple and more typically riparian species such as willow. On the south-eastern side it is possible to see the Holm-oak, an area of reforestation with black pine and some silver fir. There are also specimens of mountain ash and badger. There are shrubby and herbaceous species such as the Dog Rose, the Holly, the Juniper, the Broom, the Snowdrop, the Laburnum. In the most humid part increases the presence of mosses and lichens. The Natural Reserve presents a little anthropized reality that has allowed a very varied fauna population. Among the mammals it is possible to find: the Fox, the Weasel, the Badger, the Hedgehog, the Mole, the Dormouse, the dormouse; among the birds: the Owl, the Long-eared Owl, the Kestrel, the Buzzard, the Chaffinch, the Robin; among the reptiles: the Orbetine, the Common Viper, the Collared Nativity, the Coluber. During the spring season, the plateaus, present at the upper limit of the gorge, are populated by numerous butterflies. Lately the Callora is very popular because of its attractions, the Castle placed on a rocky outcrop that faces the Matese, the Tibetan Bridge and its gorges that attract canyoning enthusiasts.

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