The ideal itinerary for lovers of extreme places, some unreachable, others walkable only if accompanied by expert guides. In this ideal path formed by caves, glacial pools formed over the millennia, waterfalls and meadows surrounded by green mountains, you can perceive the soul of one of the greenest regions in Europe.
Extremes places
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Points of interest

Morgia Quadra a Frosolone
On the mountain of Frosolone, located between the Valley of Trigno and the Valley of Biferno, in Colle dell'Orso, there is the cliff of Morgia Quadra, so called for its characteristic square shape. In a mountain environment between 1200 and 1300 m.s.l.m., there is one of the most popular places in Molise in Italy for sport climbing. Its rocky walls of gray limestone, variously exposed to the sun in a very ventilated area, are perfect to climb all day long, especially in spring and autumn.

Cascate di Carpinone
he uncontaminated territory of Carpinone presents us with one of the best known tourist attractions of Molise. Its waterfalls are an example of how a non-invasive management and the will of the locals can bring to the fore the natural environments of which Molise is full. Here in the vicinity of the village, immersed in a lush nature, along rivers and streams, are born the Waterfalls of Carpinone.

Circhi glaciali a Monte Miletto
he Glacial circles of Monte Miletto are semicircular or semi-elliptical depressions, the result of the glacier that, advancing, digs the rock in front of it. They are dominated upstream by steep rocky walls and partially barred downstream by a threshold (Sella) from which a glacial tongue often departs. On the northern side of Colle Tamburo there are several glacial cirques, which are united by the name of "Circhi Glaciali dell'Aquilania", this area is well observable from the road that connects Cantalupo del Sannio and Roccamandolfi.

Pozzo della Neve a Guardiaregia
The Matese Massif is a mountainous complex of karstic origin, here the water over the millennia has carved a system of caves of incredible beauty that from the speleological point of view represents one of the most important hypogeal sites of the southern Apennines. The abyss Pozzo della Neve is located in the beechwood of Costa del Carpine, in the locality of Tornieri, inside the WWF Oasis of Guardiaregia-Campochiaro.
The site, of considerable interest and high environmental value, is located within the protected area SIC-ZPS largest region of Molise.

Cascate del Verrino
The Verrino river has its source in the territory of Capracotta, in the locality of Ara Petrecca, at an altitude of 1250 meters above sea level, in the territory of Agnone it flows into the Trigno river, at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level.
The Verrino is a torrential watercourse, whose flow rate shows significant variations during the year, the basin covers a total of 700 hectares and is 24 kilometers long.