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Eremo di Sant’Egidio in Frosolone

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The Hermitage of St. Egidio in Frosolone is a pretty little church just outside the village, at the foot of Colle dell'Orso. Dedicated to the patron saint of Frosolone, Sant'Egidio, a hermit to whom numerous healings and miracles are attributed. It is of very ancient construction, the date is unknown, but in the Middle Ages it was a chapel with a hermitage and depended on the Convent of Sant'Onofrio, which stood a little higher up, garrisoned by the Antonians (a hospital and monastic-military order of the Middle Ages).

The Hermitage of St. Egidio in Frosolone is a pretty little church just outside the village, at the foot of Colle dell'Orso. Dedicated to the patron saint of Frosolone, Sant'Egidio, a hermit to whom numerous healings and miracles are attributed.
It is of very ancient construction, the date is unknown, but in the Middle Ages it was a chapel with a hermitage and depended on the Convent of Sant'Onofrio, which stood a little higher up, garrisoned by the Antonians (a hospital and monastic-military order of the Middle Ages).
Both the Convent and the chapel were destroyed in the early 1300s, the chapel was then rebuilt, and demolished again in 1704 to make way for the church, hermitage and well.
In 1805 an earthquake (whose epicentre was the mountain of Frosolone) destroyed the hermitage and the bell tower, but once again they were rebuilt.
During the stay in the hermitage it is possible to carry out spiritual exercises and enjoy the hermit's menu of simple dishes.

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