Campitelli were plateaus that shepherds and farmers of the high Matese, before the fifties of the last century, managed to snatch from the wild nature and used them to sow wheat, plant potatoes and then use them as fodder and later as summer pastures. Campitello di Roccamandolfi, a large grassy plateau located at an altitude of 1230 meters, about 10 km from the village. Leaving the castle, through a narrow mountain road, you can reach another area of particular environmental value: the natural plateau surrounded by woods of Campitello di Roccamandolfi. It is an ideal starting point for excursions on the Matese. Campitello di Roccamandolfi, the woods and the paths of the northern side of the Matese, the Rio and the suggestive chestnut wood that anticipates it, are the most suitable sites for excursions. The communal territory of Roccamandolfi is characterized by an accentuated altimetrical excursion: in fact it goes from 2050 meters of the top of the Miletto mount to 650 meters in the Callora valley, while the inhabited area is at 810 meters. In June San Liberato is celebrated and a fair of various goods is organized. The first Sunday of the same month is held the festival of the "snail" a dish that especially in the past, and for reasons different from those today, was consumed in a wide range of municipalities of Molise. Shepherding has its best day in the middle of August when at the plateau called "Campitello di Roccamandolfi" - a natural clearing surrounded by vegetation and hills, where among other things are being prepared tracks for grass skiing - takes place the feast of the Shepherd.

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